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DNS Spoofing with Virtual Host

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008 | Tags: | 0 Comentarios

DNS Spoofing is an attack where a person forges fake DNS Responds to trick a victim computer into accessing a different website. Whenever you visit a website such as www.infinityexists.com the domain name is translated to the IP address of the web server. To do this your computer makes a DNS request to a DNS Server, and the server returns a DNS Respond which contains the IP address of the web server. Therefore, during a DNS Spoofing attack the victim computer receives an Spoofed IP address and attempts to connect to that web server. However, often times a web server hosts multiple website by utilizing Virtual Hosting. Virtual hosting is a method that allows a web server to host more than one domain name on the same computer and the same IP address. If an Attacker wants to DNS Spoof a website which is a virtual host on a web server the IP address is not sufficient information for the web server to determine which website the victim computer wants to access. Therefore, the DNS Spoofing attack will not work correct. The way a web server determines which website a person wants to access is with the Host Header contained in the Get Request. Consequently, an Attack needs to modify the victim’s Get Request to have the correct Host Header before it reach the web server. To do this I combined an Ettercap Filter that will Log and Drop the Get Requests from the victim, and a C program which will change the Host Header. After the Host Header is modified, the Ettercap Filter submits the new Get Request to the web server. This process will allow an attacker to perform DNS Spoofing attack with a Virtual Host. [Watch the video it will make more sense =D].

Full Scale Video Here

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Download Host.filter

Download Change_Host.c

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